Channel: Beinat gas solutions
Belonging to
Gas control unit 32 addressables digital sensors BXI32
Rev. 1-14
Installation and
user guide
The exp erience and the knowled ge
acquired over the years within industrial
sector and market together with the
prestige that has always made BEINAT
S.r.l. have allowed the design of a new
Gas Control Unit the... “BXI32”
which has the prerogative to control,
th rou g h the co nne cte d a d d r e ss e d
sensors to it from 1 to 32, the presence
of gas: Toxic, Explosive, and Oxygen
The control unit BXI32 has been designed
an d b uil t t o me e t the cu rre nt
re quireme nts of the Marke t and in
compliance with European Standard for
checking gas presence in a versatile and
innovative with addressed sensors
through an addressed network RS-
When one of the connected sensors exceeds the pre-alarm setpoint, the control unit emits a proportional sound
signal, based on the amount of gas detected, and shows on the display the number of the sensor, the amount
of gas detected and its origin; the alarm triggered is saved in a memory (Datalogger).
The control unit is equipped with 1 general alarm relay with/without Positive Safety to enable further
independent control of two solenoid valves..
Up to 2 relay expansion cards CARD-TX4R can be inserted if nedessary.
> Self-diagnosis of the whole system with detections
Alarms, faults, transmissions, malfunctions, etc.
> Data Logger storage 50 episodes
> Ordinary maintenance program
> Alarms Source
> Automatic reading of the gas type of each sensor
> Adjustable alarm level for each sensor.
> Automatic operating range from 20 to 100% LEL
> Efficiency of the connected sensors
> Positive Security Function
> Possibility of inserting Relay expansion card
> Factory reset
> Connection, Printer to print the Reports
> Manual alarm button connection
> Brand
> Serial number
> Date and Time
> Monitored sensor
> Graph of the quantity of gas detected
Some main
The first with self-diagnosis
and Maintenance Program
Electric connections also available on
Important: Assembly / maintenance of the appliance must be carried out by qualified personnel
and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of products that have to comply with
particular environmental and / or installation standards.
Important note
Before connecting the equipment, it is recommended that you read the instruction manual carefully
and keep it for future reference.
It is also recommended to perform the electrical connections correctly as per enclosed drawings,
observing the instructions and the Standards.
N.B. Refer to the documentation in all cases where the symbol is on the side
EN 50194
EN 45544-1-3
EN 61010-1
Compliant EN 60079-29-1
Installation EN 60079-29-2
EN 50270
Reports issued by TUV Italia