Double Sound Speed Controller SFR-1-HL
Configuration – Speed Controller – Motor M1 + M2
Dual mixer
If no mixer function is used, both motors M1 and M2 can be used completely
separate. Prop #1 (X2/1) controls motor M1 and prop #2 (X2/2) motor M2, just like
two separate speed controller.
For tracked vehicles different dual mixers are available. Dual mixer combine the
information of throttle channel #1 and steering channel #2 and control both motors
Dual mixer #1:
Standard dual mixer (mixing ratio 1:1)
Dual mixer #2:
Less steering than with dual mixer #1
(mixing ratio 1:0,75)
Dual mixer #3:
Less steering than with dual mixer #2
(mixing ratio 1:0,5)
Dual mixer #4:
Like dual mixer #2, however, only 1 chain is activated at table
With dual mixer it is possible to invert the steering while driving backwards.
Load regulation
With activated load regulation one of the different regulation intensities (light,
medium and heavy) can be set here.
To simulate a very heavy vehicle the option mass inertia can be activated here.
Acceleration and decelaration are slowed down for a realistic driving behaviour. Keep
in mind: the vehicle also has a longer stopping distance!
With a proportional channel or a nautic/multiswitch and the function “Intertia light,
medium, heavy and off“ different intensities of inertia can be set while driving.