Double Sound Speed Controller SFR-1-HL
Reverse warning
The reverse warning sound is played when the vehicle drives backward. This could
be e.g. the warning beeping of a truck. The reverse warning sound is mixed/added to
the engine sound.
Brake sound
The brake noise is played when the driving speed is reduced.
Cornering squeak
The sound for the cornering squeak is played, as soon as the model turns. The
threshold level is configured in the Sound-Teacher (Configuration
Engine sound
Engine sound).
Indicator noises
The indicator sound is played when the vehicle signals. The indicator sound is
mixed/added to the engine sound.
Engine noise / Gears FG1 - FG5
The engine sound is always played in an endless loop as long as the model moves.
The playing speed depends on the driving speed of the vehicle. The SFR-1-HL
recognizes how fast the vehicle moves, and plays the engine noise in the
corresponding speed. The relation between driving and sound speed can be set in
the driving sound diagram (see page 88).
You can also set with the Sound-Teacher how many different sounds should be used
for driving forward and backward. This could be for instance sounds for different
gears for a truck or you can choose different driving sounds for each driving speed
(e.g. slow, normal and fast).
Please keep in mind; the “gears” are just generated by the SFR-1-HL and not
through a mechanic gearshift. Yet it is not possible to activate the different sounds
through an engine control or a real gearshift.
For each driving sound FG1 – FG5 you can use three different settings (normal, slow
down and speed up). The latter options are just additional to generate a more
authentic sound but in most cases the “normal” sound is sufficient.
If you use the sound slot “slow down” and the model brakes, the driving sound
switches automatically from “FGx normal” to “FGx slow down”. The same happens
when the model accelerates and the sound slot “speed up” is used.
To divide the entire speed range into sections for up to five engine sounds/gears you
can use the engine sound diagram (see page 88).