Double Sound Speed Controller SFR-1-HL
Sounds for changing running steps / gears
If you use more than one running step/gear for your driving sound you can also use
sounds to simulate the changing between the different running steps/gears. When
you change the running step/gear the changing noise will be played.
Furthermore you can differentiate between acceleration- and deceleration sounds
and therefore use for example different sounds for changing the gear from FG1 to
FG2 and another for switching from FG2 to FG1.
The changing sound will always be played once and completely when the running
step/gear is changed. For this reason the sound should be short (e.g. 1 s).
Otherwise, it might occur for example that the model is already standing but the
changing sound is still played.
How to open sound files
In the folder “SFR-1-HL Sounds”, on the supplied DVD-ROM, you will find some
exemplary sounds for different vehicle types. In order to store a new sound on the
SFR-1-HL, start the program “SFR-1-HL Sound-Teacher", open a *.SFR-1-HL project
file (Menue “File”
Open project) in the respective folder and save the project files
on the SD-card.
The USM-RC-2 sound projects are compatible with the SFR-1-HL. To open a USM-
RC-2 file you have to change the shown data type to „All files (*.*)“.
To make your model unique, individual and realistic all sounds can be edited and
compiled individually, for example with the software Audacity.
For an easy start we recommend to use one of the ready sound projects and adapt it
to your requirements step by step.
Turning on/off engine sound
Before any engine sound is played, it must be switched on first.
There are different ways to switch on the engine sound:
Using a proportional channel (X2/3 - X2/8) to switch on engine sound:
If you have a joystick/slider/switch/rotary switch left, you can use it to switch the
engine sound on or off. Therefore the corresponding receiver ouput must be
connected to the corresponding proportional channel of the sound module with a
servo patch cable.
The proportional channel must be configured in the Sound-Teacher under
Proportional channels
Function “Engine sound on/off“. If the
proportional channel is brought in this area (A –D), the engine sound is switched on
or off.