Double Sound Speed Controller SFR-1-HL
After track 30 the internal counter will jump back to track 1.
By the way, the sound module always remembers the current track number. The
next time the power supply is switched on, this track number “will be loaded“ again. If
any changes are made to the SD card via the Sound-Teacher, the track counter will
be reset to track number one.
Function „Pause“:
If you activate the function "Pause", the playback of the current track pauses.
Another activation of this function starts the playback at the same position again.
Function “Track fwd“:
With this function, the player will jump to the next available track. It does not matter,
if there are any gaps in the track list.
Was previously the random function enabled, a new, random track will be played.
Function “Track rev“:
This function is normally used to go to the previous track. If this function is triggered
while the current track is played for more than five seconds, the WAV-Player will not
jump to the previous track; however it will go to the beginning of the current track.
Was previously the random function enabled, a new, random track will be played.
Function „Random“:
With this function a sound from a tracklist is randomly choosen and played. If you
activate the function „Random“ while a track is still playing, this title stops and a new
one starts.