Version: 5.9
Fig. 188: 3-byte interface of the EL31x2
If the 3-byte interface for linking to the analogue input channel is implemented in existing PLC projects, the
TwinCAT System Manager nevertheless offers the possibility to link the EL31xx with a 4-byte interface.
To do this, open the link dialog as usual by double-clicking on the variable and activate the
checkbox. As a result, variables with differing sizes are also offered for linking. Select the corresponding 1-
byte input variable for your application. The 8 bit coverage is confirmed in the following
Element-orientated process image under TwinCAT 2.10
Fig. 189: Connecting the 4-byte interface of the EL31xx to a 3-byte interface existing in the project
Note about TwinCAT 2.10
The structured representation of EL31xx from revision EL31xx-0000-0016, as shown in Fig.
Selective PDO
is due to a corresponding interpretation of the variable names. This function does not exist in
TwinCAT 2.10 yet, which is why only element-wise linking is possible there.