© 2015-2017 BBQ Expedition Ltd.
Meat core thermometer for checking core temperature– Basic equipment to
determine whether the food is properly cooked or not. Wide-range of them is
Stick the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat (be careful not to touch
bone as it leads to false data) and read the data and see if the meat is at the
required temperature or not yet. You can find many charts regarding this tpoic on
the Internet.
It is very important to practice. Try various types of wood, rubs and sauces until
you find the perfect combination for you.
Grill, barbecue and health
Nr. 1 danger with grilling is the charred layer on the burnt meat surface. This
mainly happens with direct grilling not while using barbecue technique. Properly
applied barbecue-technique is an especially gentle food cooking method.
Do not over-smoke the meat.
Do not make the sauce to sweet.
If you use sugar for seasoning only add it towards the end of the cooking. Do the
same with the sauce. In any other case the surface can be caramelised too much.
Carefully select the smoking wood. Preferably use it without bark and make sure
the wood was dried in natural conditions for at least 6 months.