© 2015-2017 BBQ Expedition Ltd.
FIREBOX (FB – Firebox)
Firebox Access Door 01 (FB-01)
Access door for fuel - namely charcoal or charcoal-block - input.
Lock tautness can be set with wrench nr. 8.
Firebox Access Door 02 (FB-02)
Access door for air intake control. It is only open while heating up or
regenerating Cooking Chamber temperature.
Firebox Access Door 03 (FB-03)
Opens to Ash Pan, which can be taken out through this door. It is open while
cleaning and adding smoking wood fuel.
Air Intake Valve (FB-04)
Nr. 1 control of charcoal burning in the Firebox. When appropriately used it can
stabilize and fine-tune the Cooking Chamber temperature and ventillation.
Handle Bars 2x (FB-05)
Used for pushing and moving the smoker.
Utensil Holder (FB-06)
Various grill utensils can be stored on the hooks. There is also a bottle opener.
Rotating tyres with brakes 2x (FB-07)
Used for moving and braking the smoker. Standard size: d = 200 mm. Solid
rubber tyres, bearing capacity: 500 kg/ tyre.
Charcoal Holder Grate (FB-08)
Central part of the Firebox as the fuel is burning on it. Oxygen gets to the fuel
from below, through the grates. Removable module.
Ash Pan (FB-09)
Double function:
Smoking wood fuel placed here is slowly igniting and burning by the
dropping burning charcoal pieces from the above Charcoal Holder Grate.
Cleaning pan: ash collector and can be taken out for cleaning when it is
cold. Removable module.
Flame Protector Sheets (FB-10)
In extreme cases (e.g. inappropriately open door) it can happen that small-sized
flames get out from the bottom Firebox Access Doors. The Flame Protector
Sheets prevent these flames to reach the powder-coated casing of the smoker.