Display text
Sensor Zone DHW open
Temperature sensor Zone DHW open
T Zone DHW closed
Domestic Hot Water temperature sensor Zone DHW closed
Sensor Zone AUX open
Flow temperature sensor Zone AUX open
Sens. ZoneAUX closed
Flow temperature sensor ZoneAUX closed
T Dhw Zone AUX open
Domestic Hot Water temperature sensor Zone AUX open
Sens. ZoneAUX Closed
Domestic Hot Water temperature sensor Zone AUX closed
11.2.4 Fault codes
If a fault code is still present after several automatic start-up attempts, the
heat pump switches to error mode.
The heat pump will only resume normal operation once the causes of the
fault have been eliminated by the installer.
As a result of:
a manual reset,
a maintenance message reset.
Tab.98 List of fault codes
TFlow Open
Flow temperature sensor is either removed or measures a temperature below range
TFlow Closed
Flow temperature sensor is either shorted or measures a temperature above range
Blocking Input
Blocking Input of the Control Unit from device external environment
Input BL open.
Check the wiring.
Check the component connected to the BL. contact
Check the component connected to the AP001 and AP100. contact
System flow locking
System water flow locking active
Insufficient flow: open a radiator valve
The circuit is clogged:
Check that the filters are not obstructed and clean them if necessary.
Clean and flush the installation.
No circulation:
Check that the valves and thermostatic valves are open.
Check that the filters are not obstructed.
Check that the circulating pump is working.
Check the wiring.
Check the pump supply: if the pump does not work, replace it.
Too much air
Completely vent the indoor module and the installation for optimum running.
Check that the automatic air vents are properly open (also check the hydroblock).
Incorrect wiring: check the electrical connections.
Flow meter:
Check the electrical connections and the direction of the flow meter (arrow to the
Replace the flow meter if necessary.
11.2.5 EHC–05 alarm codes
An alarm code is a temporary heat pump status, resulting from the
detection of an anomaly. If an alarm code still remains after several
automatic start-up attempts, the system goes into fault mode.
11 Troubleshooting
7762758 - v05 - 19082020