4.3 Configuring an Area Sensor
This section describes how to configure an Area sensor using the Demo application as a reference
NOTE: By default, the Trigger is set to Internal, and will continously trigger based on a time interval setting.
This may make it more difficult to make adjustments while setting up the sensor. The best practice is as fol-
• Go to the Main Menu > Imager > Trigger menu and select External.
• Make sure there is no external trigger input.
• Use the Trigger icon in the lower-right of the screen to manually trigger the sensor to capture an image as
you set up and test.
• Capture images of a range of samples to set up from the "worst" good part to the "best" bad part.
Start the setup with a good part. Normally, each part to be tested will be centered in the Field of View (FOV).
1. Adjust the Region of Interest (ROI).The ROI is a blue-dotted box as shown below.
2. Click Anywhere within the ROI to select it. When selected, the ROI is red with resize and rotational icons in the corners.
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