Use the sliders to set the desired hue standard deviation range. The range is from 0 to 180.
Standard deviation tests the variance of color. The greater the range of colors of the pixels within the ROI, the higher the
standard deviation will be. If all pixels are uniformly the same color, the standard deviation will be zero.
Pass Saturation Standard Deviation
Pass Saturation Standard Deviation is available when the color space is set to HSI.
Main Menu > Inspection > Sensors > AvgColor > Pass Saturation Std
Use the sliders to set the desired saturation standard deviation range. The range is from 0 to 50.
Standard deviation in saturation tests the variance of the amount of the selected Hue in the color. The greater the variation
in saturation among the pixels within the ROI, the higher the standard deviation will be. If all pixels are uniformly the same
color, the standard deviation will be close to zero.
Pass Intensity Standard Deviation
Main Menu > Inspection > Sensors > AvgColor > Pass Intensity Std Dev
Use the sliders to set the intensity standard deviation that will pass the inspection. The available range is 0 to 128.
Standard deviation tests the variance of color. The greater the range of colors of the pixels within the ROI, the higher the
standard deviation will be. If all pixels are uniformly the same color, the standard deviation will be zero.
9.1.6 Color Compare Menu
Available on iVu Color models only.
Main Menu > Inspection > Sensors > ColorCmp
Use a Color Compare sensor to verify that a part's color matches a reference color. The Color Compare sensor looks for a
statistical match for both the specific hue(s) and relative abundance of colors seen within the ROI.
Example applications include:
• Verify healthy fruit color and ripeness
• Verify stain color on wood
• Verify product color in packaging applications
To configure as a Color Compare sensor, set the following parameters:
• ROI and Mask
• Color Tolerance
• Intensity Tolerance
Figure 47. Color Compare Menu
ROI and Mask
Main Menu > Inspection > Sensors > [Sensor Type] > ROI and Mask
Sensor Type
in the menu path above refers to the sensor you are configuring or updating.
The Region of Interest (ROI) is the user-defined area on the screen that the sensor analyzes. The ROI type can be
rectangular, elliptical, or circular. From the drop-down list, select the ROI type to use for the inspection. Adjust the ROI as
appropriate for the inspection. An ROI can be as large as the entire Field of View (FOV).
Select the Enable Mask checkbox to allow mask ROIs to be used with the inspection ROI.
iVu Plus TG and Color Gen2 Image Sensors
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