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Additional features
This parameter is used to check if the clutch has been detected or not, during the setting of the work time.
The additional features are not necessary for normal operations, but they are very useful in case of parti-
cular installations.
1. Press P1 and P2 simultaneously for three seconds
to begin programming the board.
2. Letter A appear on the display. Scroll the menu with P1
until letter F appears on the display.
Press P2 to confirm.
3. You should see 1 on the display.
Press P2 to confirm.
4. If on display appear the number 0,the clutch
is not enabled.
If on display appears one 1 the encoder is activated.
5. Press P2 to get out
Parameter F1: display clutch status (ON/OFF)
ATTENTION!!!!!! This parameter allows to visualize only the encoder state, not to change it