BF-DM-C-DP E10-EN November 2019
Error with the temperature
sensor inside of the battery
1. Check all connectors from the battery are correctly
connected to the motor.
2. If the problem still occurs, please change the
The protection temperature
inside the controller has reached
its maximum protection value
1. Allow the pedelec to cool down and restart the
2. If the problem still occurs, please change the
controller or contact your supplier.
Error with the temperature
sensor inside the controller
1. Allow the pedelec to cool down and restart the
2. If the problem still occurs, Please change the con-
troller or contact your supplier.
Speed sensor Error
1. Restart the system
2. Check that the magnet attached to the spoke is
aligned with the speed sensor and that the distance
is between 10 mm and 20 mm.
3. Check that the speed sensor connector is connect-
ed correctly.
4. Connect the pedelec to BESST, to see if there is a
signal from the speed sensor.
5. Using the BESST Tool- update the controller to see
if it resolves the problem.
6. Change the speed sensor to see if this eliminates
the problem. If the problem still occurs, please
change the controller or contact your supplier.
Torque signal Error
1. Check that all connections are connected correctly.
2. Please connect the pedelec to the BESST system to
see if torque can be read by the BESST tool.
3. Using the BESST Tool update the controller to see
if it resolves the problem, if not please change the
torque sensor or contact your supplier.