Dovetail tenon cut
Fig 15-16-17
Fig 30
Fig 31
Fig 27-28-29
Fig 18-19-20-21
Fig 22-23-24-25-26
Fig 13-14
With the comb in the same position load in & clamp
the tenon board into the jig in the vertical position
ensuring that the board is against the side stop on the
right & the board is up against the underside of the
comb, see fig 15. NB a comb support board may help
keep the comb from flexing if a large heavy router is
being used.
Use the smaller (3.2mm) end of the setting gauge (H)
to align the comb slot to the edge of the board ensuring
that both ends of the board are set the same, see fig 16-
17. No cut will be made at this stage.
To set the comb to
make the first cut move
the comb towards the
front of the jig by first
unlocking the comb lock
knobs & then turn both
comb adjuster knobs one
full turn anticlockwise.
Making a pen mark on the
adjuster knob may help
with this, see fig 18-19-20-21.
With the cutter set at the same depth as when cutting
the dovetail slot (approx ⅔ material thickness) position
the router at the left side of the comb, cutting from left
to right in a slow continuous motion,
, see fig 22-23.
With the board the same end up flip the board & cut
the other side, see fig 24-25-26. Position the magnetic
extraction to the left or you may prefer to use the router’s
extraction for best extraction results on this cut, see fig
27. Try for fit, see fig 28.
More passes may be required depending on board
thickness. To remove more material simply adjust the
comb towards the front of the jig as in step 3, see fig 29.
Trouble shooting -
• Gap one end of the dovetail -
comb not sat flat on the
board, see fig 30.
• Joint too tight -
remove more material by moving
comb very slightly forwards.
• Joint too loose -
move comb slightly backwards & recut
new board.
• Joint not square on board -
pencil line not marked
square, comb slot set gauge not used.
• Gaps on shoulders / tenon top -
cutter depth not the
same for both cuts , comb not sat flat on board, see fig
NB if working in very hard wood a stock removal cut may
be wise, this is done by running a 6mm cutter through
the slot first, with the cut depth a little less than the
required dovetail cut, see fig 13-14.