4 Description of the in-roof system
In-roof System
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EN141217 Axitec GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 5, 71034 Böblingen, Germany, +49 (0)7031 62 88-5186
Connecting plates side right/left
Connecting plates right/left are connected to the edge connection pro-
files and secured with sheet grips and nails on the mounting board. The
connecting plates lie on the assembly boards of the modules and are on
the same height.
PIC 4-9:
connecting plates right side
connecting plates right side
Edge connection profile to
the right
Sheet grips with nail
Attachment of the side plates with sheet grips as needed, but at least:
Connecting plates side right/left: 2 pieces
Connecting plates side above right/left: 1 piece
Connecting plates
Side right