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© 2017 Telos Alliance - Rev 1.2
Property List Types: Simple versus API
When editing a start point or endpoint, the property selection dialog has two modes; Simple and API.
The simple tree is what most users should use. It is designed to present the most commonly used objects and
properties organized for quick access. Occasionally there may be a job that requires reaching beyond the normal.
Selecting the API tree will present a much wider array of objects and properties.
Pathfinder Core PRO has an advanced protocol called SapV2. In reality it extends beyond most typical protocols
and reaches the level of an API (application programming interface). It allows virtually complete control over the
system. This API is not just a control protocol; it is the protocol which is used for all internal messaging between
services within the system. If you want to learn more about this API, see the SapV2 appendix. In order for this
API to do its job successfully, almost every property and object must be available. The API section of the property
selection dialog exposes the object and property tree available via that API.