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© 2017 Telos Alliance - Rev 1.2
At this point, the scene contains the current state of all rows in the router. Routes in the scene may be edited without
changing the master router by clicking the edit route button or double clicking the line to change the source. Rows
may be removed from the scene to create a partial scene. In this way, a scene may be created which just changes a
few points to a particular state rather than changing the entire router. Removed rows may be added back using the
Add Rows button. The Store Scene button stores this scene into the Pathfinder Core PRO database for the particular
router. A valid name must be entered into the Scene Name field before it can be stored. The scene is then added to
the list under the scene menu on the main screen when that particular router is selected. The scene may be activated,
causing the routes to be taken by selecting that scene from the list under the scene menu item. Alternately, you can
use the drop down scene list of the route control panel.
Please note: The scenes also store the state of the Lock point if locks are supported. Thus, a scene that
makes routes and then locks them may be created. Also, if a scene is selected that uses points that are
already locked, the scene will not complete the locked routes and will issue a warning.
Virtual Routers
Virtual Routers are Routers that have points that correspond to points on other actual routers. For example, if a
facility has a centralized Audio router with a variety of shared gear, as well as points from a number of edit suites,
each individual suite may only want to see the routing points that are pertinent to that suite. Rather than seeing a
huge list of points that are rarely used, a Virtual Router may be created which only contains the routing points on the
main router that are most often used. The full router may still be opened when needed, but the virtual router would
be used for everyday use. This also allows an Administrator to limit a user to a specific set of route points.
Each point on a virtual router may also correspond to multiple points on different actual routers. In this way, a
machine router may be created where Audio, Video, and Machine Control can be routed with one click. To
accomplish this, a point is created on a virtual router for a machine (i.e. Digital Beta Video deck). This point
contains the correct routing point information for the actual audio router, video router, and machine control routers.
In the PathFinderPC_Core Client Software, Virtual Routers may be created by using the Create Virtual Router and
Edit Virtual Router menu items under the Routers Menu. This will also display the Edit Virtual Router Window.
Once a Virtual Router has been created it may only be deleted from the Routers link on the Pathfinder Core PRO
web page.