Specifying A Filing Destination
Before you begin to send your scanned document to your destination server, there
are a few things you need to be aware of. The following will introduce you several
server systems used with the product.
Setting the Servers to Store Your Image
FTP Stands for “File Transfer Protocol.” It is a common method of transferring files
via the Internet from one computer to another. FTP use RFC 959[FTP] as their
protocol, and the default Port is usually 21. Therefore, please make sure you have
legal FTP account with the privilege of writing under the directory to save the files
and the password before using FTP to save the files. To add a sub-directory from
the product, you need to have the privilege of adding a new directory.
CIFS (Windows Network Share) is a file saving protocol generally used for “recourse
sharing” of network in Microsoft Windows systems. Please set up the “shared
directory” per the network settings for sharing in MS Windows. Generally, on the
shared directory Properties dialog box under the Windows XP, select “Sharing” tab,
and select “Share this folder”. Click the [Permissions] button to open
“Permissions for the shared directory” dialog box.