To enter email addresses from the address book:
Tap the [Address Book] button,
, to choose your email addresses from
E-mail list or Group List. You can also type a key word to search a complete
email address by tapping the [Public] folder or [LDAP] server button. To add
an email address to the address book, see the section of the E-mail settings on
the embedded web page.
If desired, change the other E-mail settings. For details, see Change more
E-mail settings on the next page.
Tap either the [Start] button
on the touch panel or the [Scan] button
) on the control panel.
The product starts scanning and the preview image will be displayed.
On the Preview screen,
If the scanned image is OK, press the [Start] button (
on the touch
panel or the [Start] button (
) on the control panel to distribute the
scanned image. You may also insert more pages by taping the [Insert
Pages (
)] button on the bottom of the screen.
If the scanned image is not OK, tap the [Cancel] button to abort the job.
In a second, the scanned image will be sent to your email addresses.