Import/Export: Used to export the product’s current settings to an xnd file as a
backup. The advantage of this xnd file is to allow an administrator to use this backup
file to import your product settings to other products with the same model and
firmware version.
Click to export all settings in the product to an xnd file
as a backup.
The default name for the file is ScanCenter8800.xnd.
Import All
Click to import all settings in an xnd file to the product,
and all current settings in the product will be
overwritten. Under the pop-up Import File dialog box,
browse to locate the file, and click OK. This procedure
causes the product to restart and be unavailable over
the network for several minutes.
Import Menu
Click to import an xnd file to the product.
Under the pop-up Import File dialog box, browse to
locate the file, and click OK.
Check any of the 5 menu item boxes including
Configuration, NetWork Setting, Security Manager,
Email Default, and Filing Default, and then click Import.
All of the current settings in the chosen menu will be
Import Account
Click to import an xnd file to the product, check an
account name, and then click Import. The current
settings in the Account Management will be overwritten.
Import Address
Click to import an xnd file to the product, check an
E-mail address name, and then click Import. The
current settings in the Address Book will be overwritten.
Import Filing
Click to import an xnd file to the product, check a folder
name, and then click Import. The current settings in the
Filing Folder will be overwritten.
Import LDAP
Click to import an xnd file to the product, check a LDAP
name, and then click Import. The current names in the
LDAP Settings will be overwritten.
Import Shortcut Click to import an xnd file to the product, check a
Shortcut name, and then click Import. The current
names in the Shortcut will be overwritten.