The INTUITY Product Record Creation page displays.
b. In the Product Description field, select
Avaya Message Networking (AMN)
c. In the INADS Number, type the Direct Inward Dial number of the customer's Message Networking
d. Click
Create INTUITY Product Record
The new record is created.
The INTUITY Registration Data page displays.
10. On the INTUITY Registration Data page, complete the following fields.
a. In the Data Lock field, specify whether there a data lock on the system (most systems will not have
a data lock). Select
if there is no data lock or select
if there is a data lock.
b. If the product should send alarms to Avaya Global Services, select
c. In the Alarm Destination field, type the phone number to which alarm notification should be sent. In
most cases, you can leave this field at the default phone number.
11. If this is a new Message Networking installation, click
Continue New Install Registration
. If you are
upgrading from a previous release of Message Networking,, click
Continue Upgrade Registration
12. The tool attempts to make a product connection, configures the Message Networking system, and send a
test INADS alarm. The registration is complete when a page displays with the message that the new
install registration session has completed successfully.
13. Verify the data on the page to make sure that it is complete. If any of the information is not complete,
contact the Database Administration Group immediately.
Avaya Business Partner registration
Avaya Business Partners must contact the Business Partner Care Center (BPCC) to register a Message
Networking system. The BPCC will register the product, establish a customer record, and identify remote access
line where remote access is possible. You must register the system before you can access technical support or
maintenance from Avaya.
You must have the following information before you contact the BPCC to register the system:
Customer's FL number
Session type:
Whether this is a new Message Networking system or an upgrade.
Product type:
That you are registering a Message Networking system. You might need to inform the
BPCC that Message Networking falls under the Intuity product category.
Customer type:
Whether this an Expanets Business Partner (for Expanets customers) or another type of
Business Partner.
Data lock:
Whether there a data lock on the system (most systems will not have a data lock).
Alarm origination:
Specify whether alarm origination is being used for the system.
Choose Yes if:
The customer is either an Avaya direct customer or an Expanets customer, and the system is
under warranty.
The customer is either an Avaya direct customer or an Expanets customer, and the customer
purchased a post-warranty maintenance agreement.
The customer is a Business Partner or an end-user customer, and either the Business Partner
purchases a remote maintenance agreement (RAM) or the end-user customer purchased a post-
warranty maintenance agreement.
If alarm origination is being used, you will need to provide the alarm destination phone number. This is
the phone number that the product dials when an alarm is raised. If the product requires a dialing prefix
(such as 9) or dialing pauses, let the BPCC associate know where to insert them into the alarm
destination dial string.
If none of the previous scenarios apply, choose No.