Message Networking Help
Getting Started
Administering remote machines
Testing connections
> Displaying the last SMTP dialog
Displaying the last SMTP dialog
Use this page to view the latest incoming or outgoing message exchange attempt between the Message
Networking system and an SMTP/MIME remote machine. This page can help you:
Determine the domain name of a remote SMTP/MIME machine, which is helpful when completing the
Domain Name field during SMTP/MIME remote machine administration. If you are trying to capture the
domain name of a remote SMTP/MIME machine, request that a subscriber on that remote machine send
a message to another remote machine via Message Networking. You can then use this page to view the
activity between the machines and identify the correct domain name.
Troubleshoot incoming or outgoing messages to SMTP/MIME machines to determine why a message is
Note that only the most recent exchange between the Message Networking system and any SMTP/MIME
remote machine is displayed. You cannot specify an individual remote machine for which you want to view an
To view the latest incoming or outgoing exchange between the Message Networking system and an
SMTP/MIME remote machine:
1. Start at the Administration menu, and select
Message Networking Administration
Remote Machine
Test Connections
Display Last SMTP Dialog
The system displays the Display Last SMTP Dialog page.
2. From the Display The Last SMTP Dialog For menu, select whether you want to view the last Incoming
Side (from an SMTP/MIME remote machine to the Message Networking system) or Outgoing Side (from
the Message Networking system to an SMTP/MIME remote machine) exchange between Message
Networking and an SMTP/MIME remote machine.
3. Click
The system displays the most recent inbound or outbound exchange between Message Networking and
an SMTP/MIME remote machine, depending on the direction you selected. Lines beginning with
Message Networking
denote activity by the Message Networking system. Lines beginning with
denote activity by the SMTP/MIME remote machine.
4. Review the activity captured on the page:
If you selected Incoming Side and are trying to determine the domain name of the remote
SMTP/MIME machine, look for the line that displays the email address of the subscriber who sent
the incoming message. The portion of the subscriber's email address after the @ is the domain
name for that SMTP/MIME remote machine. You should enter this domain name in the Domain
Name field on the Remote Machine Parameters page.
If you are attempting to troubleshoot the failure of an incoming or outgoing message, look for the
line that displays the reason for the message failure.
5. Click
Return to Main
to return to the Administration menu.
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