name and nulls the voiced name of the
Aria Digital can automatically push an
add, change, or delete of a subscriber
when the update occurs.
When the Serenade Digital system
delivers a message to the Message
Networking system, it automatically
pushes the sender's ASCII and voiced
names (if the voiced name exists).
The Serenade Digital system can
automatically push an add or change, but
not a delete, of a subscriber when the
update occurs.
When Message Networking delivers a
message to the remote machine, it does
an ASCII match of the recipient (if the
ASCII Name Confirmation flag is set to
If the recipient does not match, Message
Networking fails the message, defaults
the ASCII name, and then nulls the
voiced name.
If the ASCII name is a default on the
Message Networking system, a
comparison is not performed, and the
message is delivered.
If the subscriber does not exist on the
remote machine but does on the
Message Networking system, the
message is failed. Message Networking
then defaults the ASCII name and nulls
the voiced name of the subscriber.
When Message Networking delivers
a message to the Serenade Digital
system, it automatically pushes the
sender's ASCII and voiced names
(done only when a voiced name
When Message Networking detects
an add or change (not a delete) of a
subscriber, it pushes out the
When the remote machine delivers
a message to the Message
Networking system, it does an
ASCII match on the recipient if
addressed alphabetically.
If the recipient does not match, the
Serenade fails the message and
deletes the entry.
Each time a VPIM sender sends a message
through Message Networking, the sender's
record is updated on the Message Networking
system. Note that this update occurs only if the
ASCII name/voiced name has changed and the
sending system supports this information.
Each time a Message Networking sender
sends a message to a VPIM system, the
sender's record is updated on the
receiving VPIM system. Note that this
update occurs only if the ASCII
name/voiced name has changed and the
receiving system supports this information.
When the subscriber is added, changed or
deleted through administration, Message
Networking is automatically notified.
When Message Networking detects an
add, change or delete of a subscriber, it
pushes out the update to the LDAP-based
remote machine.
Each time an SMTP/MIME sender sends a
message through Message Networking, that
subscriber's record is updated on Message
Networking. Note that this update occurs only if
the ASCII name (not voice name) has changed
and the sending system supports this
Each time a Message Networking sender
sends a message to an SMTP/MIME
system, the sender's record is updated on
the receiving SMTP/MIME system. Note
that this update occurs only if the ASCII
name (not voice name) has changed and
the receiving system supports this