SM4 Manual
ECU Error history
Must be on-line. Shows errors recorded in ECU.
Error is now present.
Error was recent.
ECU telltales
Telltales (Maximum or minimums) recorded inside the ECU.
Only valid when on-line.
"Knock record at" records the boost pressure, engine speed and coolant temperature that
the "Knock retard threshold" was reached.
Reset ECU telltales by pressing enter once dialog open.
Stepper power reset
Resets the stepper.
Setup stepper in "M1,O/P setup" menu.
See Monitor-I/O for stepper position
Monitor – Normal
Monitors the selected variable only.
This give a faster Packets/sec rate on the PC data logging as compared to Monitor all.
Parameters selected in the Logger "PC warnings select" menu are shown here.
Useful when ECU is password protected or do not want a table opened to display live
When ECU is password protected, some live data parameters will read zero.
This is the default window when ECU goes on-line. Press "ALT" or escape key to
access menus.
Monitor – Engine
Monitors ECU ENGINE variables.
This gives a slower Packets/sec rate as all request variables must come from ECU.
Useful when ECU is password protected or want to monitor a variable quickly.
Want to check what the throttle volts is in volts as compared to percent.
When ECU is password protected, some live data parameters will read zero.
Monitor – Sensors
Monitors ECU SENSOR variables.
This give a slower Packets/sec rate as request all variable from ECU.
Useful when ECU is password protected or want to monitor a variable quickly.
Want to check what the throttle volts is in volts as compared to percent.
When ECU is password protected, some live data parameters will read zero.
Monitor – I/O
Monitors ECU I/O variables.
This give a slower Packets/sec rate as all request variables must come from ECU.
Useful when ECU is password protected or want to monitor a variable quickly.
Want to check what the throttle volts is in volts as compared to percent.
When ECU is password protected, some live data parameters will read zero.