SM4 Manual
Fine tune
“F” key
Sets to fine accuracy. This is shown as a green cell.
Course tune
“C” key
Sets to course accuracy. This is shown as a yellow cell.
Set user attr
“A” key
Sets the user attribute which will not allow AUTOTUNE to modify it.
Shown as a blue cell.
Clear attribute
“R” key
Clears the site attribute.
Edit attr
“CTRL” + “A” key
Edits the attribute to what accuracy you want.
Copy attr
“CTRL” + “Right/Left/Up/Down” key
Copy site attribute right./left/up/down.
View table
Can view the table in different views.
Can zoom the table to see more detail.
Can view as table or graph
Zoom Table
“V” key
Zooms table to full screen with out live data detail.
View table
“G” key
Converts table to 3D graph or graph 3D to table.
Find site
Finds the site that engine is running at.
Table running value
Input the axis values and software will return the table running values. Can be used to
find the value between table sites.
Manual A/F Tune
Allows manual editing of the fuel table by entering the measured A/F ratio at the site.
NOTE: If attribute set then cannot enter menu.
Setup Auto tune
Sets up the Auto tune parameters.
They are: