SM4 Manual
Boost Range
50 kpa + (maximum boost – preset boost at waste gate) Ex, wastegate
manually set to 40 kpa (0,4 Bar) and max boost is 120 kpa (1,2 Bar),
50+(120-40)=130 Boost range should be set to130 kpa.
A bigger value has the effect of damping spiking.
Boost setpoint 1-2
Vehicle Kph at 1000 engine RPM in each gear.
Diff ratio = 4.10
Gear ratio = 3.874
Tyre rolling = 2.1 meter distance
(1000/3.874/4.10)*2.1=132.2 meters/min.
(132.2*60/1000)=7.93 Kph/1000 RPM
"M1 Gearing ratios" uses the same logic
Boost setpoint 2-3
Vehicle Kph at 1000 engine RPM in each gear.
Diff ratio = 4.10
Gear ratio = 3.874
Tyre rolling = 2.1 meter distance
(1000/3.874/4.10)*2.1=132.2 meters/min.
(132.2*60/1000)=7.93 Kph/1000 RPM
"M1 Gearing ratios" uses the same logic
Boost setpoint 1 – 3
Boost control set point
Set maximum boost in relation to engine RPM and a selected y axis "Setup under Table
axis setup". Three turbocharger wastegate control calibration tables are available. The
tables allow engine speed and engine coolant temperature dependent settings of the
boost level controlled by the boost control function. The coolant temperature
dependency of the table (if used) allows boost to be, reduced at elevated engine coolant
temperatures in order to minimise the possibility of engine damage. The tables can have
up to 10 engine speed calibration sites and 5 engine coolant temperature calibration
sites. Calibration range is 104 to 510 KPa.
Tables 1, 2, 3 can be used so the engine runs different boost for every gear "Boost tune"
sets this up or to switch between two boost levels (+1 or +2 levels setup under "M1, I/P
NOTE1:"Over boost margin", set under "ECU limits setup" is added to the "Boost setpoint
X" you are using.
NOTE2: External boost controllers are not synced with the ECU, so they may cause an
over boost limit error when you have a programmed "Boost setpoint X".
Boost dynamic comp
Boost control dynamic compensation.