SM4 Manual
COPY files to
Copy calibration OR data log files to other drives.
“F3” key
Go on line.
PC data cable must be connected and ignition switched on. ECU calibration/program
will be loaded into PC memory.
Go off line.
Will go off line & prompt you save changes if any have been made.
Communication config
Can set up the communications and disconnect the FIFO on windows 98 ONLY from this
dialog. Click on "Advanced" and turn the FIFO tick box. Make sure the FIFO is disabled
on the windows serial port settings as this makes communication speed faster.
Windows 98.
Do this via the "FileCal"," Communications config" & click on the advanced
button & turn off FIFO.
Windows 2000,XP
This is done via "My computer" properties
1. Device manager
2. Click on Ports(COM & LPT)
3. Click on port using (ie COM1)
4. Go to properties of COM1
5. Click on Port settings
6. Click on advanced
7. Turn FIFO off and Click on OK
“Alt” + “X” key
Exits the program. Will prompt if want to save changes & store calibration in ECU if any
have changed.
Edit-window Menu
This menu has different looks depending from witch menu you came from. Some
functions are only available from some menus.