With the EVO 16 set as the master clock the other devices in the chain can be
clocked by either the optical output port or the BNC word clock output.
If you are using multiple devices then it is recommended to use the BNC word
clock output and then use T-connectors to daisy chain the devices together.
It is important to note that the final device in the chain should have its BNC
connector terminated with 75 Ohms to stop reflections of the clock signal. This
should be a switchable option on most devices.
EVO 16 as the Master Clock
EVO 16 with single BNC connection
EVO 16 with daisy chained BNC connection
Optical TOSlink Cable
BNC Word Clock Cable
BNC T Connector
75 Ohm Terminated
75 Ohm Terminated
The EVO 16 can also act as the slave to an external master clock via it’s optical
inputs. In this case, you would connect the optical output of a device to the EVO
16’s optical input. Then, in the EVO mixer application, select the optical input
you wish to be used as the clock source. You would also need to set the inputs
to either ADAT or S/PDIF depending on the specification of the external device.
EVO 16 as the Slave Clock
EVO 16 clocked via the optical port