Once you have selected the channels you require, press the Smartgain button
again to start. You will now see a ‘Smartgain Listening’ screen, this is where you
or your artist will need to start performing in order for Smartgain to analyse
your signal.
Smartgain is a powerful feature which helps you get recording as quickly as
possible. It is able to listen to all the activated inputs, and set gain within a
matter of seconds.
To activate Smartgain, press the green Smartgain button, you will then be
prompted to select the channels you want to set the gain for. Select the
channels you want using the channel buttons or press and hold the Smartgain
button to quickly select all 8 channels at once.
Smartgain Mode
If all selected channels are successfully set, you will see the ‘Smartgain
Successful’ screen and you are ready to start recording.
If Smartgain fails for any reason you will see the ‘Issue Detected’ screen
followed by the Smartgain Status screen. The Smartgain Status screen gives
you an overview of the status of each channel in relation to Smartgain.