Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
2 Servicing work on timing chain end
2.14 Removing and installing balance shaft
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Used oil collection and extraction unit -V.A.G 1782-
Unscrew bolts and take off front noise insulation -1- and
rear noise insulation -2-.
Place used oil collection and extraction unit -V.A.G 1782-
under engine.
Drain off engine oil.
Remove engine
page 4
Separate engine from gearbox
page 21
Secure engine to engine stand
page 29
. Alternatively,
leave engine in position on scissor-type assembly platform
-VAS 6131-.
Remove sealing flange (front)
page 43
Remove drive plate
page 54
Remove timing chain covers
page 59
Attach adapter -T40049- at rear end of crankshaft using
two old securing bolts for drive plate.
Ignore -arrow-.
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