Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
Repair Group 13 – Crankshaft group
Using hexagon key, apply tension to toothed belt by turn-
ing tensioning roller in direction indicated by -arrow- until
the lug remains approx. 5 mm (distance -a-) below the
Then release toothed belt tensioning roller until lug -1- and
notch -2- are exactly in line.
Hold toothed belt tensioning roller in this position and tight-
en securing bolt -arrow-.
Turn crankshaft one complete revolution to check toothed
belt tension. To do this:
Insert guide pin of adapter -T40058- with the larger-diam-
eter section -arrow 1- pointing towards the engine. The
smaller-diameter section -arrow 2- faces the adapter.
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