Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
1 Servicing work on pulley end
Loosening and tightening central nut for high-pressure pump
Use counterhold tool -3036- when loosening and tighten-
ing central nut -1-.
Pulling off toothed belt sprocket for high-pressure pump
Use puller -T40064- to pull off belt sprocket for high-pres-
sure pump.
Loosening and tightening central bolt for toothed belt drive
Use counterhold tool -3036- when loosening and tighten-
ing central bolt -1-.
Removing toothed belt drive sprocket
Use puller -T10320- to pull off toothed belt drive sprocket.
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