Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
1 Removing and installing cylinder head
If repairing, carefully remove any remaining gasket material
from the cylinder head and cylinder block. Ensure that no
long scores or scratches are made on the surfaces.
Carefully remove any remaining emery and abrasive mate-
No oil or coolant must be allowed to remain in the blind
holes for the cylinder head bolts in the cylinder block.
Do not remove new cylinder head gasket from packaging
until it is ready to be fitted.
Handle gasket very carefully. Damage to the silicone coat-
ing or the indented area will lead to leaks.
The plastic protectors fitted to protect the open valves
should not be removed until the cylinder head is ready to
be fitted.
When installing an exchange cylinder head with fitted cam-
shafts, oil the contact surfaces between the roller rocker
fingers and cams.
After working on the valve gear, turn the engine carefully
at least 2 rotations to ensure that none of the valves make
contact when the starter is operated.
Secure all hose connections with the correct type of hose
clips (same as original equipment)
Parts catalogue.
Hose connections and hoses for charge air system must be
free of oil and grease before assembly.
When fitting a new cylinder head or cylinder head gasket,
drain off all the old coolant and refill with new coolant.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order; note the follow-
Set crankshaft and camshafts to “TDC” before fitting cyl-
inder head:
Locking pin -3242- must be screwed in with crankshaft at
“TDC” position -1-.
The camshafts on both cylinder heads must be locked with
locking pins -T40060-.
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