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A/C System Control and Regulation
Components Inside Passenger Com‐
If there is a malfunction in the system, first check the Clima‐
tronic control module -J255- DTC memory. Refer to Vehicle
diagnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the
"Guided Fault Finding" function.
If no fault is displayed, read the measured value block for the
Climatronic control module -J255- and activate the component
with the “output diagnosis test mode“ function on the Vehicle
diagnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the
"Guided Fault Finding" function.
The electrical test for various actuators, potentiometers and
sensors is described in Guided Fault Finding using Vehicle
diagnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the
"Guided Fault Finding" function.
Servicing operations on refrigerant circuit are described in
⇒ “1.19 Refrigerant Circuit, Servicing“, page 38
♦ Perform the following work after completion of repair opera‐
– Check Climatronic control module -J255- DTC memory and
erase any possible displayed malfunctions using Vehicle di‐
agnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the
"Guided Fault Finding" function.
– Check coding of Climatronic control module using Vehicle di‐
agnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the
"Guided Fault Finding" function.
– If necessary, check adaptation of the Climatronic control mod‐
ule using Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system -
VAS5051B- in the "Guided Fault Finding" function.
– Perform A/C system basic setting using Vehicle diagnosis,
testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the "Guided
Fault Finding" function.
♦ Left side components, refer to
⇒ “2.8 A/C Components Inside Passenger Compartment, Left
♦ Right side components, refer to
⇒ “2.9 A/C Components Inside Passenger Compartment,
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
1. General Information