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Certain tools are required to discharge the refrigerant circuit,
these work procedures must only be performed by trained per‐
sonnel as well. Therefore, bring vehicle to a workshop that has
the necessary tools and in which the work can be performed ac‐
cordingly by qualified personnel if necessary. Refer to ⇒ Refrig‐
erant R134a Servicing; Rep. Gr. 00 ; General Information .
Work on refrigerant system should only be performed in a venti‐
lated rooms (workshops). Ensure that with in 5 meters circumfer‐
ence are no working-pits, basement staircases or shafts.
Extraction systems are to be switched on.
The refrigerant emerging is not only colorless and odorless, but
also heavier than air and thus displaces oxygen. If refrigerant gas
does escape even though all the safety precautions have been
followed, there is a risk of suffocating in poorly ventilated areas
and in workshop pits - even if it is not noticeable.
The escaping refrigerant/air mixture should not be inhaled, but
should be sucked out via an existing exhaust ventilation system.
Do not attempt repair on filled air conditioning systems by solder‐
ing, brazing or welding. This pertains also for welding and sol‐
dering work on the vehicle, in the event that parts of the climate
control system may heat up
Exposure to heat creates considerable pressure in the system,
which could cause it to burst.
Corrective action:
Discharge refrigerant circuit. Refer to
⇒ “1.17 Refrigerant Circuit, Draining“, page 36
Damaged or leaking parts of the air conditioner are never to be
repaired by welding or soldering them; they are always to be re‐
When servicing air conditioner, all open components and pipe
connections are to be immediately re-sealed.
Moisture will enter into air conditioner components if they are left
open for a lengthy period. If this is the case, air conditioners can‐
not be refilled without having to replace parts of the system.
Refrigerant Circuit, Servicing
Before working on electrical system (wiring), remove relevant
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning