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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
1 - Subassembly Bracket For
The Generator and A/C Com‐
♦ Be careful to use the cor‐
rect version. Refer to the
Electronic Parts Catalog.
♦ Subassembly bracket, re‐
moving and installing, refer
to ⇒ Engine Mechanical;
Rep. Gr. 13 ; Removal and
Installation .
– Loosen A/C compres‐
sor, unscrew hex-bolts
-6-. Remove A/C com‐
pressor from the sub-
auxiliary bracket and se‐
cure it to the body with
wire. Refer to
– Remove the screws
from the subassembly
2 - Internal Multi-Point Bolt
❑ 25 Nm
3 - Internal Multi-Point Bolt
❑ 25 Nm
4 - Hex Socket Head Bolt
❑ 25 Nm
5 - A/C Compressor
❑ Removing and instal‐
ling, refer to
6 - Hex Bolts
❑ 25 Nm
7 - Dowel Sleeves
❑ Quantity: 2
❑ Be careful to use the correct version and make sure the subassembly bracket and A/C compressor fit
Securing A/C compressor to body
If A/C compressor is removed and refrigerant circuit not opened,
A/C compressor must be secured to body using appropriate ma‐
terial, a welding wire for example.
Make sure the refrigerant lines on the A/C compressor remain free
of tension.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
5. Removal and Installation