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A/C Compressor
Depending on time period of production and on engine, com‐
pressor construction type may vary. Refer to Electronic Parts
Catalog (ETKA).
At the start of production, the A/C compressors manufactured
by “Denso“ (type “6 SEU 14“) were installed. At a later point in
time A/C compressors from other manufacturers (for example
“Sanden“, type “PXE 16“ or “ZJX“) can be installed. Refer to
the Electronic Parts Catalog and to ⇒ Refrigerant R134a
Servicing; Rep. Gr. 00 ; Description and Operation (Refriger‐
ant Circuit).
These A/C compressors are available as replacement parts
with different oil fill capacities, therefore note capacity on A/C
compressor. Refer to ⇒ Refrigerant R134a Servicing; Rep.
Gr. 00 ; Specifications and the exact part number. Refer to
the Electronic Parts Catalog.
Depending on A/C compressor type, different refrigerant oil fill
capacities are designated for the refrigerant circuit. The rea‐
son for the different oil capacities in the A/C compressor for
an otherwise identical refrigerant circuit lies in the design of
the A/C compressor itself, note these oil capacities. Too much
oil in the circuit leads to higher pressures and reduces cooling
performance of the system. Too little oil may lead to lubrication
problems in the compressor.
If a new compressor has been installed or new refrigerant oil
has been put into the A/C compressor (for example, after
flushing refrigerant circuit), the A/C compressor must be
turned by hand approximately 10 revolutions. This ensures
that the A/C compressor is not damaged when activated. Re‐
fer to⇒ Refrigerant R134a Servicing; Rep. Gr. 00 ; Removal
and Installation
– Discharge the refrigerant circuit. Refer to ⇒ Refrigerant R134a
Servicing; Rep. Gr. 00 ; Description and Operation (A/C Serv‐
ice Station).
– Disconnect refrigerant lines from A/C compressor. Refer to
⇒ “5.18.1 A/C Compressor Refrigerant Lines“, page 154
The sequence is different and depends on the engine. On vehi‐
cles with a 3.2L MPI engine, the A/C compressor must first be
removed from the bracket before refrigerant lines can be re‐
moved. It is possible to remove the refrigerant lines with the A/C
compressor still installed on 2.0L TFSI vehicles.
– Remove the A/C compressor from the bracket. Refer to
⇒ “5.1 A/C Compressor, Removing From Bracket“, page 103
⇒ “5.2 A/C Compressor, Removing From Bracket“,
Installation is carried out in the reverse order while noting the fol‐
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
5. Removal and Installation