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A/C Compressor, Removing From
The A/C compressor can be removed from the subassembly
bracket and installed again without opening the refrigerant
The subassembly bracket for the A/C compressor and its parts
can be removed and installed without having to open the re‐
frigerant line.
Only on 5 cylinder engine with 2 ribbed belt attached to the A/
C compressor. The A/C compressor has a belt pulley with a
double belt guide. For removing the ribbed belt, refer to ⇒
Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr. 13 ; Removal and Installation .
For the belt routing for both ribbed belts, refer to ⇒ Engine
Mechanical; Rep. Gr. 13 ; Removal and Installation and
The following describes removing and installing a “Sanden“ A/
C compressor on a 2.5L TFSI vehicle . On vehicles with dif‐
ferent engine or a different A/C compressor, slight changes
may result (depending on engine, additional assemblies may
need to be removed or loosened)
Do not discharge the refrigerant circuit, do not remove refrig‐
erant hoses and lines from the A/C compressor.
Do not unfasten refrigerant pipes and corresponding clamps.
After removing the A/C compressor, tie it to the vehicle with
wire. Do not let it hang by the refrigerant lines. Refer to
Before removing, mark direction of operation of ribbed belt
with chalk or felt-tipped pen. Running a used belt in the oppo‐
site direction could destroy it.
Different A/C compressors may be installed depending on en‐
gine and country variant. Refer to Electronic Parts Catalog
Removing the A/C compressor from the subassembly bracket
and installing it again
– Perform the preliminary work in the same way as described
for the 4 or 6 cylinder engine. Refer to
⇒ “5.1 A/C Compressor, Removing From Bracket“,
– Remove the A/C compressor on a 5 cylinder vehicle in the
same way as on a 4 or 6 cylinder engine. Refer to
⇒ “5.1 A/C Compressor, Removing From Bracket“,
Allocation, A/C compressor the subassembly bracket
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning