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Refrigerant Circuit Components
⇒ “5.18.1 A/C Compressor Refrigerant Lines“, page 154
⇒ “5.18.2 A/C Compressor“, page 157
⇒ “5.18.3 Condenser“, page 159
⇒ “5.18.4 Condenser“, page 161
⇒ “5.18.5 Condenser“, page 164
4 or 6 Cylinder
⇒ “5.18.6 Dryer Cartridge On Condenser“, page 166
4 or 6 Cylinder
⇒ “5.18.7 Dryer Cartridge On Modine Condenser“, page 168
5 or 6 Cylinder
⇒ “5.18.8 Dryer Cartridge, On Denso Condenser“, page 171
⇒ “5.18.9 Evaporator“, page 172
⇒ “5.18.10 Expansion Valve“, page 174
⇒ “5.18.11 Fluid Reservoir“, page 175
⇒ “5.18.12 Refrigerant Lines, Disconnecting and Connecting from
Condenser“, page 178
⇒ “5.18.13 Refrigerant Lines, Disconnecting and Connecting
From Expansion Valve“, page 180
A/C Compressor Refrigerant Lines
Compressor is always driven when engine is running; there is
no magnetic clutch. Engine is therefore not to be started un‐
less refrigerant circuit has been properly assembled. For ex‐
ample; if the refrigerant lines are not connected to A/C
compressor, when the engine is running the A/C compressor
may heat up (via internal heat generation) so much that the A/
C compressor will be damaged.
The following illustration depicts an A/C compressor for a ve‐
hicle with 4 cylinder engine, the allocation may deviate slightly
for vehicles with other engines, however the refrigerant lines
are disconnected in the same way.
Close all open lines and connections on A/C compressor with
suitable caps (avoid dirt and moisture from entering the sys‐
– Discharge the refrigerant circuit. Refer to ⇒ Refrigerant R134a
Servicing; Rep. Gr. 00 ; Description and Operation (A/C Serv‐
ice Station).
– Remove upper engine cover (not necessary on all vehicles,
depending on engine). Refer to⇒ Engine Mechanical; Rep.
Gr. 10 ; Removal and Installation ).
– Remove center noise insulation (not necessary on all vehicles,
depends on engine).⇒ Body Exterior; Rep. Gr. 66 ; Removal
and Installation .
– Remove the frame for the noise insulation, if equipped (for ex‐
ample, currently on the Audi TT Roadster). Refer to ⇒ Body
Exterior; Rep. Gr. 50 ; Removal and Installation .
– Remove the A/C compressor from the bracket (not necessary
on all vehicles; for example, necessary on a 3.2L MPI vehicle).
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning