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– Make a welding wire ( 2 mm) to the following dimensions.
a - 380 mm
b - maximum 7 mm
c - maximum 6 mm
Hook the welding wire to the strainer exactly as illustrated to pre‐
vent damaging the condenser.
– Carefully remove the filter (strainer) -2- from the condenser
with the welding wire -1-.
Seal the open connection on the condenser with the cap -A- to
prevent dirt and moisture from getting in.
Installation is done is reverse order, observe the following:
♦ Check the reservoir on the condenser -2- above the opening
for dirt or damage to the sealing surfaces.
♦ Replace the cap -1- and its seal, the dryer cartridge and the
filter (strainer).
♦ Coat the seal on the cap -1- lightly with refrigerant before in‐
stalling. Refer to
⇒ “1.21 Refrigerant Circuit O-rings“, page 41
♦ Make sure the seal fits correctly inside the cap -1-.
♦ Keep the dryer cartridge sealed in its air-tight package as long
as possible. Open the package just before installing the dryer
cartridge into the condenser. The dryer cartridge absorbs
moisture in a very short time and become unusable.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
5. Removal and Installation