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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
1 - Heater With Attachments
❑ Heater, removing and
installing, refer to
❑ Heater, disassembling
and assembling, refer to
2 - Defroster Door Motor -
❑ With Defroster Door Mo‐
tor Position Sensor -
G135- .
❑ Lever color identifica‐
tion: blue.
❑ Removing and instal‐
ling, refer to
3 - Central Air Door Motor -
❑ With Central Door Motor
Position Sensor -
G112- .
❑ Removing and instal‐
ling, refer to
4 - Auxiliary Air Heater Heating Element -Z35-
❑ Only intended for vehicles with Diesel engine.
5 - Heat Exchanger For Heater Unit
❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.14 Heater Core“, page 144
6 - Left Temperature Door Motor -V158-
❑ With Left Temperature Door Potentiometer/Actuator -G220- .
❑ Lever color identification: white.
❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.8.4 Left Temperature Door Motor V158 “, page 133
7 - Back Pressure Door Motor -V71-
❑ With Back Pressure Door Motor Position Sensor -G113- .
❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “2.10 Air Flow Door Motor V71 , Function“, page 62
8 - Control motor Door Motor -V113-
❑ With Recirculation Door Motor Position Sensor -G143- .
❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.8.5 Recirculation Door Motor V113 “, page 135
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.80 - Heating, Ventilation