After entering the changes, press the "Update" button and a screen similar to the following will be displayed after which
the Armadillo will begin to operate with the new network configuration.
Figure 6.17. AT Admin: System - Network Update
The red LED on the Armadillo will activate while the network configuration is being updated and deactivate a few seconds
later. After confirming that the LED has deactivated, access the top page on the Armadillo.
Just updating the network configuration does not save the changes.
In order to save the changes so that they remain in effect after the next boot, the
configuration must be saved to flash memory. Refer to Section, “AT Ad-
min: System - Save & Load” for information on saving. AT Admin: System - Password
Changes to the username and password used for authorization of the Packet Scan and System screens can be made on the
Password screen.
Armadillo-440 LCD Model Development Set Startup Guide