6.5.2. Operational Check
The following demonstrates how to find an Armadillo using Bonjour in a Windows environment. For other operating
systems, please refer to the relevant manuals for that environment.
Start Internet Explorer on the Windows PC.
If Bonjour has been installed, it can be displayed in the Explorer Bar in Internet Explorer (IE). From the menu bar, enable
"View (V)" --> "Explorer Bar (E)" --> "Bonjour."
Figure 6.24. Internet Explorer Explorer Bar Configuration
Check the contents of the "Bonjour" Explorer Bar on the left side of IE.
Figure 6.25. "Bonjour" Explorer Bar
The first line is a link to a description of Bonjour on Apple Inc.'s web site.
Below that, "AT Admin on armadillo440-0 [00:11:0C:XX:XX:XX]" and "http on armadillo440-0
[00:11:0C:XX:XX:XX]" will be displayed. These are links to the Armadillo. Selecting "AT Admin on armadillo440-0
[00:11:0C:XX:XX:XX]" will display the top page of at-cgi in the browser. Refer to Section 6.4.7, “at-cgi” for more details.
Selecting "http on armadillo440 [00:11:0C:XX:XX:XX]" will display the top page of the web server in the browser.
Armadillo-440 LCD Model Development Set Startup Guide