Save & Load System Settings
System configuration can be saved to flash memory or loaded here.
Save current configuration to flash memory (Save)
Save configuration such as that set in "Network Settings" and "Password" to flash memory. The saved configuration
will remain in effect even after the Armadillo is rebooted.
Discard current system configuration and load the configuration saved in flash memory (Reload)
Discard the current configuration and restore the configuration saved in flash memory to return to the previous state.
After a screen similar to that shown below is displayed, the Armadillo will begin to operate with the new (that read
from flash memory) network configuration.
Figure 6.22. AT Admin: System - Reload
If the network connection is changed as a result of restoring the previous configuration, the red LED on the Armadillo
will activate. After confirming that the LED has deactivated, access the top page on the Armadillo.
Discard current system configuration and load the default configuration (Restore Defaults)
Discard the current configuration and restore the default configuration for the currently running firmware. The
configuration saved in flash memory will also be initialized.
Armadillo-440 LCD Model Development Set Startup Guide