Chapter 2. Precautions
2.1. Safety Precautions
In order to use this product safely, please take special note of the following precautions.
• Be sure to read all product manuals and related documentation before using
this product. Please use this product correctly and safely making sure to follow
all usage precautions.
• When operating or extending this product in a way not described in the product
manuals, please do so safely and on your own responsibility after having fully
understood the materials on our web site and any other technical information.
• Please do not install this product in a place with a lot of water, moisture, dust
or soot. This could cause a fire, product failure or electric shock.
• Some parts of this product generate heat and can reach high temperatures.
Depending on the surrounding temperature and on how this product is han-
dled, this may cause burns. Please do not touch the electronic components or
the surrounding area while the product is powered on or before it has cooled
down after being powered off.
• When using this product in the development of devices or systems to original
specifications, please carry out the design and development after having thor-
oughly read and fully understood the product manuals and related materials,
the technical information offered on our web site and related device data
sheets. Also, please carry out full tests beforehand in order to provide and
maintain reliability and safety.
• This product is not intended for uses that require extremely high reliability
and safety in terms of functionality and accuracy (such as medical equipment,
traffic control systems, combustion control systems, safety equipment and so
on). If this product is used in these kinds of equipment, devices or systems,
this company will not be held responsible in any way for any accident resulting
in injury or death, fire or damage and so on.
• This product uses semiconductor components designed for generic electronics
equipment such as office automation equipment, communications equipment,
measurement equipment and machine tools. It is possible that a foreign noise
or surge may cause this product to malfunction or fail. To ensure there will
be no risk to life, the body or property in the event of malfunction or failure,
be sure to take all possible measures in regard to device safety design, such
as using protection circuits like limit switches or fuse breakers, or system
redundancy, and to only use the device after taking measures to ensure suf-
ficient reliability and safety.
Armadillo-440 LCD Model Development Set Startup Guide