7.4 Installation
The lift MUST be installed on 3000 PSI concrete with the minimum thickness 6”
and an extension of at least 1.5m from anchoring points.
New concrete must be adequately cured by at least 21 days minimum.
A level fl oor is suggested for proper installation. Small differences
in fl oor slope may be compensated for by proper shimming. Any
major slope change will affect the level lifting performance. If a
fl oor is of questionable slope (more than 3 degrees), considering
to pour the new concrete slab.
7.5 Positioning
• Determine which end of the lift will be approach side.
• Determine which side the power-side runway (with the hydraulic cylinder
attached) will be located on. Remember that the power-side runway must
be installed on the same side as the power-side column.
Attaching Runways To Rear Beam
It is important to position the power-side runway (with the hydraulic
cylinder) on the same side as the power unit location. Elevate
runways off the fl oor with blocks of wood to prevent any damage.
• Position the runways in the predetermined location. Pay attention that the
rails on each side must be installed to the inside. Cables and pulleys are
pre-assembled in the power-side runway but not in the off-side runway.
• Position the rear beam at end of the runways. Make sure the opening of
the beam should be lined up with the pulleys in the runway end.
• Slide the cable ends from the end of power-side runway.
• Assemble the pulleys, bearings and other accessories into both ends of the
off-side runway as shown in fi g.15.
• Route the cable ends through the beam openings as shown in fi g.13 and
fi g.14. Make sure that the cables are not twisted and routed on the correct
pulleys in runways. Make sure to route the cables through the retainer
before attaching them to the holder. Do not assemble the cable pulleys in
the beam ends at this time.