Any use of the lift other than that herein specifi ed can cause
serious accidents to people in close proximity of the machine.
Risks For People
All risks the personnel could run, due to an improper use of the lift, are
described in this section.
Personnel Crushing Risks
During lowering of runways and vehicles, personnel must not be within the
area covered by the lowering trajectory. The operator must be sure no one is in
danger before operating the lift.
Fig. 8a
Fig. 8b
Fig. 8c
Risk Of The Vehicle Falling From The Lift
Vehicle falling from the lift can be caused when the vehicle is improperly placed
on platforms, and when its dimensions are incompatible with the lift or by
excessive movement of the vehicle.
In this case, keep immediately away from the working area.
Fig. 9a
Fig. 9b
Fig. 9c