Configuration du modem
Download and install the configuration software '' setupACW.exe '' at:
Connect the module to your computer with a USB cable and then launch the software.
When you connect the module, the software window changes to allow you to access the main features.
Automatically, the current configuration of the connected module is retrieved and displayed.
Local mode configuration 868MHz
Operating mode
Three operating modes are available: slave, master or mirror.
Slave mode it is your remote device that will interrogate the ACW-DIO.
In Master mode, the ACW-DINDIO will periodically send (from 10min to 24h) or on a change
of state the values of the recorded entries.
In Mirror mode, communication is done between two ACW-DIOs every 500ms. A copy of the
input and output is performed between two remote modems. One of the two modems must
be identified as master and the other as a slave, which can be defined in the "Operating mode"
window of the "Mirror" tab.
Inputs configuration
The ACW-DINDIO module has 2 configurable inputs. Each entry can be activated or not. The signal
must be made by a 10-30V contact.
Radio parameters
The radio channel must be the same between your different devices wanting to communicate
The baudrate must be the same between your different equipment wanting to communicate