Simple mirror mode between a ACW-DI and a ACW-DINDIO
In this configuration, the master modem sends the frame on a change of state of its digital inputs to the
slave modem.
The ACW-DI with battery must be configured in master mode, it is him who will instantiate the
communication during a change of state of its entry. The ACW-DINDIO will be configured as a slave to
assign the value sent from the master to its output.
The "@Remote" address of the ACW-DI master must match the "@Modem" slave address of the ACW-
DINDIO, so that communication is valid between the two products.
In order to allow you to validate the installation, the green leds must light up on both modems when
the communication is effective.
The "Remote" address on the ACW-DI master product must match the "Modem" address on the ACW-
DIO slave product.
Master Modem
Slave Modem