User Program
User's drawing and measures is saved on the program table.Later, the work piece of technical picture can be
processing with the help of origins in easily and error-free.
Line numbers represents the origin. There are 1000 lines.While processing it is recommended to work with "View"
button and 2D image.
In order to reach the desired program line it can be easily to writte "Orjin" then press "ENT" in easily.
After entering all program's values return to the main
screen with "ESC" button.
The screen displays the values of orjin 0.
The user resets the values of an axis and processing the
point by moving the tray.
The other orjin value is passed with down arrow butons
and the values is reseted by moving of the tray. At this
point are processed.
The same process is repeated for all points.
2D simulation screen can be displayed by pressing "View"
button.The processed point is marked with white.Axis
value is also displayed in the lower left window. when
these values are reseted the center point of processed
would be reached.
To move to the next point is used down arrow button.
It can be reached to desired orjin with numeric buttons
then "ENT" buttons.